

Hawaii¡¯s honeycreepers are found nowhere else on Earth and make up an integral part of the ecosystem. The birds help pollinate Hawaii¡¯s plants, eat insects and the forest. Those forests also filter the rainfall provides drinking water to many communities.

As honeycreepers have steadily disappeared, conservationists have made a difficult call. When it¡¯s clear a bird will vanish, the remaining few are brought into captivity for safe-keeping at the Maui Bird Conservation Center, which is part of the San Diego Zoo Alliance.

¡°We call our an intensive care unit,¡± says Jennifer Pribble, wildlife care supervisor at the center. ¡°This is the last resort.¡±

The cluster of buildings in upcountry Maui is home to some of the rarest birds on the planet. There¡¯s the ‘alal¨¡, the Hawaiian crow, which is extinct in the wild. The calls of the chatty, birds can be heard echoing between the buildings.

There’s also the ‘akikiki, a pale gray bird that¡¯s likely to go extinct on its home of Kauai sometime this year. In a tall enclosure, the tiny birds hop from branch to branch.

¡°Fifteen years ago, the was over a thousand,¡± Pribble says. ¡°Today there¡¯s anywhere from two to five birds left in the wild.¡±

Just over 40 ‘akikiki in captivity represent essentially the population of the species, which is split between the Maui bird and a facility on another island. So every bird matters. When the Maui wildfires hit in August 2023, a fire began not far from the center. Pribble, who lives at the facility, realized at 3am that the flames were just across the road, spewing embers.

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